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Training and development opportunities exist throughout the year, including:

  • Media training
  • Agricultural training
  • Machinery
  • Leadership & Governance
  • Various training weekends

Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Program

The Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Program is offered each year and Rural Youth support two current members to attend the five-day course in Melbourne. The Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Program commenced in 1992 and is recognised as one of the best and longest running rural leadership programs in the nation. It has developed a strong reputation in the agricultural and agribusiness sector, attracting support from a wide range of industry and rural community groups from a diverse regional background. The program is an intense five-day workshop conducted on the Marcus Oldham College campus. If you are interested in applying to attend this workship visit the 'Forms' tab in the member portal.

Training Subsidy

Rural Youth offer the opportunity for each member to subsidise any short course training they undertake. This training could be First Aid, RSA, or High Risk Licence course for example. Rural Youth offer to pay up to $250 per member per year as a training subsidy. If you would like to apply for a Training Subsidy fill out the Training Subsidy form and return to Head Office at