The 25th of January couldn't come quick enough, with the lead up being so intense. The few days leading up were nerve racking! Even flying out on the 24th was a struggle due to bad weather and delayed flights. I finally made it to Esperance late Sunday night.
After meeting a few people at the local pub that night and a few too many drinks later, the nerves had gone. The next morning rolled around pretty quick and, after doing a last minute trip to Coles, I was ready to roll. Finally we were all boarding the Endeavour for the trip of a life time!
After meeting the crew, finding our assigned bunks and meeting our watch leaders, we were weighing anchors and heading for Adelaide! Soon enough we were dropping anchors at Middle Island. We all boarded the RIB's and headed for land! Spending a few hours swimming and touring around the small island we were all keen to cross the Great Australian Bight! Setting sail once again, we were finally under way! Jumping in and starting our night watches. This was the start of a sleepless trip.
Between feeling ill and watching everyone else get rid of the lunches over the side of the ship, the next few days went really slow! With Everyone put their best efforts in, from climbing the masts and setting squares sails, to cleaning the toilets - we were all feeling pretty proud.
The days flew by and next thing we knew we were dropping anchors at Kangaroo Island - not that we saw any kangaroos! After having lunch and a tour around, we were already for a calm and full nights sleep.
The next day saw us as the Youth Crew take over the ship for the next 24 hours! Making our way out of the channel from Kangaroo Island, we were heading into pretty rough seas! With winds changing and picking up through the night, everyone up on deck at 3 a.m were tackling the ship and setting different sails. 6 a.m the next morning, we all woke to an awesome sunrise over looking Port Adelaide. Heading into the main Port Channel, we all climbed the mast and sat out on the square sails to wave to the people welcoming us into Adelaide.
With our last day nearing, we were ready to set sail once again to take a few disadvantaged people for a sail down the Harbour! The last night aboard we all shared our memories and highlights from our adventure. Our final day rolled around and the cleaning had begun. From wiping windows to polishing hand rails, we were ready to dock. We all said our goodbyes and headed our own ways. Only 6 hours later, we all missed each other and ended up at a bar in Adelaide, and well ... I can't remember much from there on. It was an amazing and life changing trip and would recommend it to anyone!!
Jake Williams
Young Endeavour Rural Youth Study Tour Recipient 2015