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When did the Organisation actually start?

 It started on 5th July 1950, at a meeting of interested bodies conveyed by the Royal Agricultural Society in Hobart.  It was officially called the "Junior Farmers' Club of Tasmania" and was referred to as the "Junior Farmers' Movement".  

 Just over 11 years later in August 1961, the name was changed slightly to the "Junior Farmers' Federation of Tasmania".  This was the same name used by Western Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand (omitting the word Tasmania).

 However in the same month, August 1961, many clubs throughout Tasmania and Aust. received a lengthy letter and questionnaire canvassing another name change to "Rural Youth".  At the Annual State Conference in July 1964, it was recommended by a "substantial majority" that we eventually change to the "Rural Youth Clubs of Tasmania", to be in line with the national trend.

 On 1st July 1966, the name was officially changed to something slightly different, "Rural Youth Organisation of Tasmania", and is still the same today.


Annual Reports

Please click on the below titles to view Annual Reports.

- 2022-2023 Annual Report

- 2021-2022 Annual Report

- 2020-2021 Annual Report

- 2019-2020 Annual Report

2018-2019 Annual Report

2017 - 2018 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report

2013 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report

2011 Annual Report

2010 Annual Report